Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Last night, I was speaking to my grandmother. For those of you that have not met her, she just recently turned 86, and thus is at the age when most of her friends have passed away.
She was telling me a story about how she was sitting in her Sunday school, listening to the teacher, when suddenly the teacher died while he was teaching the lesson.
When I heard this I was in shock, and didn't really know what to say. My grandmother, however, calmly explained that she thought this was the best possible way to go-he was living in accordance with the Lord's will for his life. Of course, most of us are not going to be lucky enough to go in such a fortuitous moment. But at least we can keep on trying to live our lives in such a way that we would not be ashamed to expire at any moment.


  1. thanks for sharing.

    i am really liking this blog.

  2. Jamie,
    Thanks for sharing! While dying isn't something that a 25 year old thinks about, I have thought about the limited time I have in Atlanta. Before, when I planned on leaving Atlanta in June, I realised that I had a limited amount of time to be here in Atlanta, a limited number of interactions with my friends. It helped me to cherish every moment in Atlanta. Carpe Diem! It's a concept that I still try to apply even tho I don't know when I'll be leaving. Try it =)

  3. this point was hammered home for me when i was driving on piedmont (a one-way street) and i saw headlights coming the other way at the last minute (they were coming up over a hill) going at about 50 miles per hour. fortunately, we both swerved in opposite directions to avoid a head-on collision.
